Hello All!
A group of my girl friends and I are planning to start a study together to serve as a way to grow closer to God, improve our christian walk, and have an excuse to spend at least one night a week with each other :) We had been bouncing around ideas of study topics we might like to explore and today I decided to venture out to Barnes and Noble and see what I could find.
There were so many studies I was intrigued by! I am a serious nerd when it comes to searching for a new study, because there are so many books that get me excited about ways to improve my christian walk. I thought I would share some of the titles I was interested in, and see if any of you have done any recently or in the past that you would recommend.
"Grace for the Good Girl: Letting Go of the Try-Hard Life" By Emily P. Freeman
"Fresh-Brewed Life: A Stirring Invitation to Wake Up Your Soul" By Nicole Johnson
Do all of these get you as giddy and me or am I just a weirdo? ... Don't answer that ;)